Using Ikigai to assist with Career Management

Originally written for SA Coaching News. Published with permission. As a career coach, a model I find particularly useful in assisting clients to clarify their career direction and to plan out their next set of moves, is called Ikigai. This is a Japanese term made up of two words where IKI is life and GAI … Read more

Find your Ikigai

You may have come across career advice before that tells you to follow your passion. While this advice is meant well, it is not always very helpful. Firstly it may be rather unclear HOW you can do this, and doesn’t paint a full picture. Can you earn a living from it? Would you still want … Read more

How a Career Coach can help you to Maximise your Career Success

Currently, colleges and universities are preparing students to take on jobs that don’t even exist yet! Who had heard of social media managers, or app developers 10 years ago? Now these roles are commonplace. On the other hand, we also still have engineers, doctors, pharmacists and many other roles and professions that have been around … Read more